Unit * Octex * Mechamancer * Darmith's Pet * Stinger S1 * Tephra * Tempest * Frostbite * Osur the Brave * Singularis * Thetys Pet * Jabaline * Discobolus * Atlas * Mercurius * Pa'Lhax * Ape-X * Learnean * Super Dan * Kassia * Arcade * Glitch * Atum's Pet * Kaih the Eradicator * Lau Lau * Harusami * Scryb * Mr. Viktor * General Holter * Gullin * Vanoss * Tyros * Will "Razor_Face" * Commander Alvid * Hydrok The Forgotten * Nidaria * Dracontium * Lotan * Mommy * Valgar The Pure * Kulkan * Griffin * Fenrir * Brontes * Shakti * Blob * General Nishant * Erebus * Hasai * Violet * Osteoclast * Zyla the Faithful * Trilops * D.A.D.

* Raccorn * Klectus * Minotaurus * General Uria * Flirty * Caillech * Krampus * King Daeron * Queen Luthien * White Pandalf * Annihilator R2 * Greedy Dragon * Ralbog * General Shannara * Lux Aura * Sphyrnus * Darude * Malair * Galante * General Alces * Scarr the Outcast * ML-1 YAMATO * Uru * Anton Acorne * The Prisioner * Sarah * BlockHeart * Toy Master * The Judgment * Tryon * The Ringer * Eggeater * Dr. Hazard * MMOnster * Cyan Nathura * Killeraptor * Reptie * Master Skeel * Exo Skeel * Noctum * General Ingvar * General Thetys * General Atum * Oghma * Barbatos * Akhenotep * Timerion * Basthet * VoltaiK * Megaosteum * Lord Mammoth * Ouros * Count Vlad * Lilysha * Megapolaris * General Darmith * Layth * Deadwolf * Cavenfish * Qin * R.O.F.L. * Son-Cookie * Laomu * Metalhëad * Draza * Monster Clutch * Varuna * Tormenta de Fuego * Ultrabot * Chocolove * Pixelion * Dr. En su descripción se menciona a MMOnster, Patrion y Cloud.Īrch Knight * Vadamagma * Nemestrinus * Rockantium * Thorder * Lord of the Atlantis * Nebotus * Goldfield * Darkzgul * White Walker * Lostyghost * Worker Hulk * Panda Claus * Firus * Cupido * Firelequin * Lagerchaun * Thundhare * Shí Hóu * Uriel * Lord Moltus * Sir Slumberly * Roastie * C.Y.M.O.

En dos de sus habilidades originales se nombran a Cloud y Patrion.Es el primer monstruo en tener el rasgo Anticipación (sin contar a Faraday the Electrolyzer y sus demás formas).